2025 Tentative Schedule and Membership Forms Available Now Online

2025 Membership forms available online now.
Our 2025 Tentative Schedule is now posted!
Our March Membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m., upstairs at the VFW in Charlotte, MI. We hope to see you there!
2024 Class Champion images have been uploaded! See below.
We would like to give a huge Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors & Advertisers:
Renk Seed
Cen-pe-co Oil
National Tractor Puller Championships- Bowling Green, OH
M.E. Miller Tire
Angry Duck Graphics
Ausra Equipment & Supply Co.
D.L. Wood Imagery
Engler Machine & Tool
S&P Small Treasures
Perfit Engine Pro
Kool Chevrolet
Race Wrapz
Thank you to Rydahl Pulling Team for sponsoring the metal rods for our new track banners and Fortin Farms for welding them together. It is greatly appreciated!
A Huge Thank you goes out to our 2023 sponsors, promoters, competitors, announcers, officials and crew! We greatly appreciate your continued dedication and support! We couldn't do it without all of you!
Our condolences go to the Girvin family on the passing of Stacey's father, Howard. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of NTPA and Wolverine Tech official, Dan Wyse. Dan worked closely with Wolverine Pullers for many years, and he will be missed greatly. We send our deepest condolences to his wife and family.
The Visitation and Funeral will be held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church on Saturday, March 8th. The visitation will take place at 10am and the funeral will follow at 11am.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
9950 Ridge Hwy.
Britton, MI 49229
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Tyler Pelham's mother, Linda. You and your family are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We would like to send our sincere condolences to the Jostock Douglas Pulling Team on the passing of Billy Douglas. We are thinking of you all during this difficult time.
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Bob Mischke's mother, Suellen. You and your family are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We would like to send our sincere condolences to Mark Bingham and family on the passing of Christa. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Steve Vandenberg. He and his wife Pat have been involved with Wolverine Pullers, the sport of Truck and Tractor Pulling and Pullers Against Drugs for many years. We are thinking of Pat and family during this difficult time.
It is our sad duty to report the passing of SS Combo competitor, Sid Broughton. He had an active role in tractor pulling since the late 1960's in New York, Michigan and nationwide. He will truly be missed by all. We send our sincere condolences to the Broughton and Trowbridge Families.
Sidney D. Broughton Obituary 2024 - Robinson & Hackemer Funeral Home (robinsonandhackemer.com)
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jeff Hirt's mother, Terrie. You and your family are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We would like to send our sincere condolences to the Lacey family on the passing of David's uncle and Joe's brother, Jamie. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Kind words from David Lacey on his uncle's passing:
This topic has been on my mind for the last couple weeks now and the last couple days I have been struggling to put it all into words the best way possible since this is not my strong suit making the last few nights of sleep kinda restless and I feel like this has to be said so hear it goes. Jamie Lacey was more than just an uncle to me, he was my mentor, ever since I was old enough to drive a farm tractor out in the field on my own he has been there by side teaching me everything from how to fix just about anything, drive transport truck, run field cultivator and the fine art of ploughing which he is very well known for being the most skilled in our area. And let me tell you those lessons did not come without learning a whole new dictionary of words when I was just 8-10 years old, it’s probably best to say I wasn’t the best student right off the bat.Now since the technology on the farm equipment started advancing I found the teacher finally becoming the student as I was the one teaching him everything. In the same field Jamie would call me on the phone instead of the two-way radio were everyone could hear are conversation because I think he didn’t want to be embarrassed asking a question as simple as how to turn the lights on in the tractor or get the Auto steer to work which most times he just needed a reminder to point him in the right direction Even when I was 8 I would always call him by his nickname “Flinstone” because that’s what everyone called him and I always thought that was his real name until I was old enough to know what nicknames actually were. From what dad has told me years ago, he got that name because he loved watching the Saturday morning cartoons show “The Flinstones” when he could because if you don’t know my dads family, they didn’t have the easiest childhood growing up when they were kids. The show later suited him well into his nickname because the Fred Flinstone character is based off the Jackie Gleason show “The honeymooners” which I can see where Jamie got his personality from. As I’m sure most everyone knows he suffered a back injury 30 years ago from a log rolling over on him when he was driving log truck and ever since then I have always wondered if that event never happened, how much different and better his life could have been. Even with the amount of back pills he was taking, always being in constant pain and agony he always pushed himself though it untill the job was done and would give the shirt off his back to help anyone out. As a kid I always admire that about him that he could work though and MacGyver just about anything since he was so well rounded in welding, carpentry and had a eye for detail on everything and wouldn’t let the smallest thing slide. Thats why his highway truck was always so well maintained and so clean and emasculate.Jamie really loved and I mean loved tractor pulling more so then I did untill we started to getting into 10 years ago with our own. Jamie has been going to the Bowling Green Championship tractor pull every year for the last 25 plus years since his kids were old enough and only missed a few and he knew all the old pullers from back on the day.When we started traveling 5-13 hours for some of these events, there is lots of time to talk and on those different road trips thoughout the summer months he would tell me much how he loved his wife Darlene and his two kids Brad and Bryan even more once they started having kids on their own making him a grandfather. He would tell me so many story’s of how Benny and Jack are the splitting images of Brad and Bryan when they were kids and always said to me “you need to get on that bandwagon Dave because your not getting any younger” he would say. He’s always had a weird sense of humour. Haley and I are so blessed he was able to make it to are wedding two weeks ago. Seeing him in the state he was in unable to walk and very soft spoken made me feel sad he couldn’t enjoy it with us to his full potential as he would have loved. During the wedding reception I had lots of family members tell me how much Jamie respected and cared for me as I was always the one that had a deep respect for him. Knowing his days were coming to an end as it seemed like Deja view watching my own mom suffer the same before she passed away 8 months ago of cancer as both of them past just a month before there 60th birthday. The reason I wanted to share this post and not make it sound like a elegy is because without the help of Jamie and the tens of thousands of miles he drove across the USA to get everyone there and back home and help on the track on and off. I could not have won the number of championships we’ve had, all the wins and close finishes. Before he went to his last tractor pull he was able to attend which was in Bowling Green for my bachelor party he said to me that his dying wish was to frame his old crew chief shirt and put it up in our race shop for everyone to see. He has certainly meant a lot to me In so many different way and will certainly be missed but not forgotten and I hope to carry on the knowledge he has taught me to my own nephew and kids some day!!
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Brad Hart's mother, Mary Ann. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Obituary information for Mary Ann Hart (brownvanhemert.com)
We would like to send our condolences to the Rose and Jones families on the passing of Mitzi's father, Stu. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Obituaries | Starks Family Funeral Homes (starksfamilyfh.com)
We would like to send our sincere condolences to the Harmon family on the passing of Tom. We are thinking of all of you during this difficult time.
Obituary for Thomas "Tom" J. Harmon | Blackburn Chapel-Martin Funeral
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Darren Heartwell's father, Dean. You and your family are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Obituary information for Dean Francis Heartwell (wswfh.com)
We would like to send our sincere condolences to Jared and Christine Beduhn and family on the passing of Jared's father, Armand. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Armand F. Beduhn Obituary — Mitchell Funeral Homes
We would like to send our sincere condolences to the Lacey family on the passing of David's mom, Charlotte. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Obituary information for Charlotte Anne Lacey (gilpinfuneralchapel.com)
2024 PSD 4x4 3.0 Champion - Frank Kruger 'Smoke Show'
2023 Mini Modified Champion - David Lacey 'Triple Play Double or Nothing'
Super Stock Combo Champion - Sid Broughton & Rob Trowbridge "Desperado"
2021 Modified Mini Champion - Alan Storehalder
2019 Two Wheel Drive Champion - Duane Bowns "High Yield"
2018 Modified Champion - Wayne Krider "Double Dose +1"
Wolverine Pullers, Inc.
02845 64th Street